Design, supply & construction of an upgraded on-site wastewater treatment system.
The dwelling, which was constructed in the 1800s, was located at the end of a long and narrow access lane. The existing septic system, although not part of the original construction, was sub-standard and malfunctioning.
The sewers regularly backed-up and frequent (and costly) pump-outs were required. BioCycle Ltd. were instructed to carry out a detailed assessment of the site, with a view to designing an upgraded system to bring the development in-line with best-practice for public health and environmental protection.
Summary of Services:
- Full septic tank replacement
- On-site consultation and selection
- Detailed costing of the works
- Site characterisation assessment
- Detailed design of treatment plant and polishing filter
- Construction of the on-site system, including electrical works and sewer extensions
- Decommissioning of the existing system
- Certification of works
Following on from an initial consultation with the client, potential locations for treatment and disposal of effluent were investigated. Various factors were considered (e.g. distance to residential developments and potential receptors, access to site, etc.) were considered. A location was ultimately selected that addressed the on-site factors and the access difficulties.
Upon testing the site, the percolation and trial hole test results showed that acceptable residence times of the treated effluent in the soils could be achieved. Levels were taken from the existing sewer and extended to the proposed location of the proposed secondary treatment system. The proposed system, due to site constraints, was to be sited under the driveway and would therefore be subjected to vehicular loads – the tank design took cognisance of this.
The Existing Septic System
The existing system was kept “live” until the new system was installed and ready to receive effluent. This meant that there was no disruption to services (e.g. toilets, showers, washing machine, etc.) during the construction phase.
The completed works were commissioned and tested and deemed to be fully operational. The client was provided with a detailed paper-trail (i.e. from design to construction) and an installation certificate, confirming the completion of the works in accordance with the Building Regulations.
For more information on this project ypu can view or download our project data sheet – Design, supply and construction of an upgraded on-site wastewater treatment system.