Project: Installation of bioCycle™ 12,000 Series wastewater treatment system and 105msq soil polishing filter
Date: July 2015
Location: New Build, Domestic Dwelling, Rathmichael, Co.Dublin
System Type: bioCycle™ 12,000 Series
System Design: “Fit for Purpose” & Local Authority Requirements
Biocycle engineering team carried out the site assessment on above site and prepared design proposal for waste water treatment system and disposal system, serving detached, 5 bedroom domestic dwelling.
Design and construction works have been commissioned in accordance with bioCycle™ requirements & the EPA 2009 COP.
Total area of 105msq has been used for disposal of secondary treated effluent to groundwater.
The 10 PE bioCycle = system, which uses BAF (Biological Aerated Filter) treatment process have been designed for this application.