Don’t fall foul of wastewater regulations

Regulatory changes can be easy to misunderstand or even ignore, especially when you do not work in a public office or have a background in the legal profession.
If you are a regular homeowner with a domestic wastewater system there are specific regulations that apply to you, but as long as your system is correctly installed and properly maintained you really should have nothing to worry about.

Amendments made under the Wastewater Services Act 2012 greatly changed the way in which septic tanks are assessed and installed. A major change for homeowners is the fact that they are now fully responsible for ensuring that that their system is registered with their local water authority and that it is fully operational.

Failure to obtain a registration certificate every five years is an offence that can lead to fines. In addition to that, section 70C of the new act stated that ensuring that a system does not cause a risk to the environment and public health is the owner’s sole responsibility.

If your system is found to be substandard, it can lead to you being fined as well as given a notice requiring you to remedy any issues by a specified date.

Now, as you can probably imagine, turning a blind eye to these regulations can result in some hefty costs.

But if you ensure that you a system that has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of your household then you should really have nothing to worry about.

At bioCycle™ we have been designing, installing and maintaining award-winning systems for more than 20 years and we take meeting regulatory requirements seriously.


Unlike a regular septic tank, the system itself is made with steel fibre reinforced concrete and has four primary chambers, allowing extended sludge retention. It is by the far the greenest wastewater management system available as its large capacity gives a higher standard of treatment and greatly reduces the risk of pollution to ground water and wells.

We believe in providing total peace of mind and offer a 30 year extended warranty on our wastewater treatment systems. This means having a system you can rely upon and you not having to worry about falling foul of regulations.


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